This demo ddemonstrates the desired (either reduced or full) user agent string values returned by
the navigator.userAgent
and navigator.platform
JavaScript getters in
the presence of a UA Reduction 📖 Deprecation Origin Trial token.
[Request] Request User-Agent:
CCBot/2.0 (
[Response] Server asked for:
Server opt-in origin trials:
What's are those origin trials?
User-Agent Reduction Origin Trial: User-Agent Reduction is an effort within Chromium to minimize
passive fingerprinting by reducing the entropy in the User-Agent
request header and the Navigator JavaScript APIs
(`navigator.userAgent`, `navigator.platform`).
User-Agent Reduction Deprecation Origin Trial: User-Agent Reduction Deprecation is an effort within Chromium to
allow sites that are not yet ready for the reduced UA string to get
the full User Agent string exposed in HTTP requests and in
navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform
through a deprecation origin trial.